About Resh

Resh is usually thinking about words or food. She is often non-aligned but in her own peculiar way — both tea and coffee (weak black tea, strong chaya, weak black coffee and moderately strong filter coffee), annotated books and unblemished pages, descriptive prose and illustrations, books and movies, but only early mornings, never late nights (though a good book might crumble her sleeping routine). She is inspired by art in the everyday, illustrations, and photographs. When not writing, editing, reading or behind the camera, she is thumbing family recipes or looking at food pictures on the internet. Or day dreaming. The Book Satchel is her happy place. She has always been on the move —completing her schooling in five different places—and calls Mumbai and Kerala her home. She is currently based in the US. Her soul thrives on books.


Come say hello on Instagram and Twitter. You can follow more of my thoughts on books on Goodreads. Or drop me an email ([email protected]). I always write back.


About The Book Satchel

This story began as a sporadic hobby in December, 2015, mostly centered around books. Back then some of my friends had moved cities and I was desperate for a distraction from the daily drill. Starting a reading journal seemed like the best thing to do; I loved reading anyway. Over the years, this journal has evolved from a reading diary into a creative outlet of images and stories. I fell in love with the camera, I started writing more and shifted to a freelance life.

You’ll find a bit of everything in here. But much of what you see here is connected things that charm—words, books, films, cultural miscellany. I want to showcase books that bring joy, words that linger and people who stir into motion a buried idea in you.

I hope you’ll enjoy perusing The Book Satchel as much as I enjoy creating it. I hope it will be a space to unwind, be it to direct you to a book or a film or simply urge you to be comfortably happy in solitude. I hope it inspires you.


Much love,
Resh Susan x

I’d love to chat and see if we can work together. Check the services I offer here.
You can find links to my writing elsewhere on this page.
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Contact me

To work or collaborate with me, for enquiries, to send your favourite recipes, to recommend something that caught your eye or simply to say hello, please email me : [email protected].