Reader. Dreamer. Writer.
From the creator of The 101 Dalmatians and Cruella de Vil, is a story about a young girl in a castle. I Capture the Castle is Dodie Smith at her finest, snarky yet real. I am one of the few who read this book recently, as an adult and I must admit it was one of the best decisions I made in my reading life.
Cassandra Mortmain and her family live in a crumbling castle with finances so bad that they buy food by selling their remaining furniture. The unexpected arrival of the rich American brothers who have inherited the neighbouring home, sends Rose into a fever of husband-hunting. But does she find the right guy? Does Cassandra fall in love? Does the entry of the Americans make things better for the Mortmain family or were they better off living in poverty?
I Capture the Castle is a Quirky Book
I Capture the Castle is a book filled with hilarious moments and subtle thoughts looming in the mind of a teenage girl. This one is definitely a fun read.
The opening line “I write this sitting in the kitchen sink” pulls you right into the novel. You are confused. Why would someone sit in a kitchen sink? Why is she writing in the sink? Is something wrong? Why would she write if something is? Or is everything okay? Why would one sit in a sink if all is well? You cannot ignore that sudden rush of bookish blood through your body and not continue reading.
The book has the quirkiest characters ever. Cassandra (our seventeen year old diary writer), her sister Rose (whose sole ambition is to marry a rich guy), her step mother, Topaz (ex- model who is known for roaming around naked on the grounds), her father (eccentric, unproductive novelist who has written nothing after one modernist best seller and isn’t concerned about the household in the least bit), Stephen (the adopted handsome live-in-help who is hopelessly in love with Cassandra and copies love poems to her from books). And oh! There is a dog named Heloise and a cat named Alecard. What more can you want?
The flavor of Cassandra’s diary changes when they get new landlords in the form of two American brothers. The clash between the American and British style of speaking, mannerisms and even table manners (OH! YES) are hilarious.
Every year, on Midsummer Eve, Cassandra holds rites — spell casting around a volatile fire, chanting and dancing — at the foot of the tower.
I Capture the Castle is a YA novel
Here is why YA fans will love it.
The whole story happens in a HUGE castle in the Sussex countryside. There is a moat, there is a tower, there are cold dingy rooms and there are spacious unfurnished ones. Also, the book boasts of every kind of moments – the creepy fearful ones, the romantic tug-your-heart string ones and also the ones that will break your heart.
Would you be an Emily or Charlotte Bronte? Do you know speed writing? Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad? Cassandra is full of thoughts. And she writes them all.
Don’t get me wrong. She is nasty because she is so truthful in her writing. She writes about everything, her shortcomings, her fears and the mindset of the unusual inhabitants of the castle. This is one of the few books written as a journal and reads like an honest unedited diary of a teenage girl.
Cassandra daydreams about boys the way all teenage girls do. She spends time imagining herself marrying or having lusty time or fantasizing about being in love. Totally relateable.
The affection (and also the fights) between Rose and Cassandra is wonderfully described. It is Cassandra’s truthful portrayal of their situation that made me non judgmental about her sister’s desire to marry a rich guy.
This book is young love at its best – whether it be Stephen trying hard to impress Cassandra, Cassandra being unsure of herself, Rose thinking she can fall in love after getting married or Neil, the American brother, being cynical of love -this book has it all.

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith is a Classic
I Capture the Castle maybe quirky and young adultish, but it is a classic in its own right. This was Dodie Smith’s first novel and she spend seven years editing it because she wanted it to be perfect. And it nearly is.
There must be no Classics lover who has not been part of this debate. Cassandra asks the same question. There are references to the books she reads and it is like talking to a book lover over tea.
Cassandra shares her room with her sister Rose. And she does feel the need of A Room of One’s own which is the gist of Virginia Woolf’s famous essay. Woolf’s essay also looks into why women lack a literary position as profound as men, citing poverty, lack of education and domestic responsibilities as the fundamental reasons which is exactly the situation Cassandra is in
3. THE QUOTES (Grab your highlighter) :
There are so many amazing quotes in this book. My e-copy is highlighted in different colors. Some of them :
“I shouldn’t think even millionaires could eat anything nicer than new bread and real butter and honey for tea.”
“And no bathroom on earth will make up for marrying a bearded man you hate.”
“There is something revolting about the way girls’ minds so often jump to marriage long before they jump to love.”

What Bothered Me
- The ending is too sudden and abrupt.
- Cassandra’s dad! Why doesn’t anyone ask him to act like a grown up an take some responsibilities?
But I Loved it
The beginning of the novel is much like an Austen household and the women want to secure a good match and thus conquer the castle, like Rose’s aspirations. Cassandra shares this ideology at the beginning of the novel, but later changes her stand. For Cassandra, capturing the castle represents her finding her identity and making sense of the world and people around her as she transforms from a naïve teenager to an adult. Or perhaps she only hopes to capture the essence of her life in the pages of her diary.
Final Verdict
A whimsical read with witty prose and marvellous characters. Cassandra is an enchanting narrator who takes you along as she tries to capture the castle in the most humorous and magnificent way imaginable. If you haven’t read this already, pick it up! This is required reading for every bookworm.
Title : I Capture the Castle
Author : Dodie Smith
Publisher : Vintage
Published : 2012 (Originally in 1948)
Language : English
Pages : 592
Rating : 4.5/5
This is such a deeply fantastic book. I also read it as an adult, some time ago now. Thanks for your review, which made me want to read it all over again. It’s so eccentric without being twee, so wonderfully real.
And I actually liked the ending.
Glad you loved the read too. I think I enjoyed it more because I read it as an adult. I like the ending too. It gives so much scope for imagination. Thank you for visiting
Ohh such a great review, I feel like I could really love that book! Thank you so much for sharing this! 🙂
Thank you. Glad you like it. Hope you will love it if you pick it up anytime. 🙂
Lovely post! It’s a long time since I’ve read this but you really make me want to pick it up again!
It is such a good read. I am sure you wont regret a re read
I have never heard of this books but you make me want to pick it up ASAP. And I love the descriptions of all the family members. Not to mention that first line!
True. the first line and the characters will really pull you into the book. Hope you can get your hands on it soon
I absolutely love this book! It’s definitely one of my favourites 🙂 this is an amazing review! I think you’ve highlighted all the reasons why it’s a perfect read. I wasn’t so bothered by the ending though – I felt like Cassandra was finally able to capture herself (and not the castle).
Also, I’ve noticed your header picture has My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk. I was planning on reading that soon! What are your thoughts on it? 🙂
Glad to know that you agree about I Capture the Castle. Thanks for visiting.
My name is Red is not a fav Pamuk of mine. I did like the book though, if not love it. The writing is brilliant. I cannot imagine how a writer could write so much about minature painting and artists. The detailing is excellent. If you like books with good writing, you will enjoy the read.
I adore Capture the Castle and discovered it far along into my adulthood – wondering why I’d never discovered it before. It is a masterpiece. Thanks so much for this great, great review of it. Re: the father – I think there is a lot of sexism in the way he is treated and revered vs. how a woman would be treated. However, I wouldn’t have wanted to see him told to grow up and take responsibility. That would have taken away some of the power of the story, it would have tamed it, and male artists were catered to in this way at that time, so it is realistic. As someone who has been trying to write a memoir and who sees a lot of herself in him, I was glad that he was allowed to sink so low and wallow around, and then be forced to create, to find his way out of himself. He was able to do that, which I found empowering, although I know he had his very dark side. However, we all do, and there is something liberating about seeing this written about honestly.
Thank you for your insightful comments. I am glad you are able to see how honest the portrayal of the father figure is. It is true that a writer can never whip up stories. He needs his time and space. However I did feel he was too relaxed about the situation at his home, especially since they found it hard to buy food also. But you are right in the point you put forward that the story would lose the brilliance it has now if the father was otherwise.
All the best for writing the memoir
i didn’t read this as a child/YA but i have a copy in my TBR now – sounds great! I’m really looking forward to it 🙂
I read it as an adult too. A month ago. I am sure you will enjoy the read. DO pick it up. 🙂
What a great review! You’ve reminded me of all the things I loved about this book. Cassandra is a wonderful narrator, and yes, that first line is unforgettable. 🙂
Thank you. Glad to know that you have similar thoughts about the book. The first line is so quirky and makes you eager to read the rest,right?
Lovely review! I adore this book. I read it as an adult too, probably about 8 years ago. I am due for a reread!
I just watched the movie version last week for the first time. It was fantastic! Have you seen it? The young lady who plays Cassandra is just gorgeous, and Bill Nighy is the dad, Rose Byrne is the sister, and it’s just a great adaptation.
Thank you! So glad to know that I capture the castle is a favourite of yours too. I really enjoyed reading it. And yes, you should totally re read it.
I have not seen the full movie, only parts of it. I should watch the whole version. I am positive it would be as good as the book
Wow. You clearly liked that book. 🙂 The opening line is indeed quite enough to make you want to dive into the book.
(I really need to move to a city with a real english bookstore nearby. There is one, but it sucks…)
Have a lovely week, in the kitchen sink.
Hehe. Thanks. I did enjoy the read. It was funny at times while it made me grave at others. Hope you have a lovely week too. And who knows, maybe a good bookstore will open up near your house.
I want to read this one so badly. So many people praise it, but I haven’t gotten the opportunity to read it. I absolutely loved your review and it just makes me more impatient to get to it. Thank you for all your wonderful thoughts about this one!
Thank you. I hope you will be able to get a copy soon. It really is a fun read. And what is more, Cassandra is very very truthful about everything. SO it reads like an actual diary instead of a book
I’ve had this on my list for quite some time now, but it’s always good to get a reminder of what I have in store. Great review! 🙂
Thank you. Hope you will enjoy the read. I read it as an adult too; and immensely enjoyed it.
Wonderful review! This is definitely a classic I need to read/catch-up on, and now it sounds even more appealing 🙂 (I love quirky, and WOW that first sentence – YES, huh, what? I want to know what happens next). Thank you.
I am glad you liked he first line. Hope you will get to read a copy soon. It is well worth reading. Thank you for visiting.
So glad to see that you enjoyed this book. It’s on my Classics Club list, so I’m going to save it for a time when I’m in need of a treat. Good to know there’s so much to look forward to.
Great. This is a read that you wont regret. I really enjoyed reading through. The characters are so lively and adorable.
This sounds PERFECT. Particularly the British vs American. And it never occurred to me but it’s true. It jumps to marriage long before it jumps to love. Surprising how we don’t really notice that.
Haha. True about that. A girl’s indecisive mind often is the truth. Hope you will enjoy the read if you pick it up.
Yesssss. I cherish this book so much. Topaz is one of my favorite characters in all of literature; I love her wonderful mix of bonkers New-Age-y-ness and down-to-earth practicality. It’s the best.
I am glad you enjoyed the book too. It is such a fun read!
Oh wow, it seems like you managed to really love this book! I enjoy a good hilarious read from time to time, and even that first line there sounds unique. I also really appreciate the whole American vs English thing, because being English myself I always see the humor in those kind of debates 😀 Nothing about this book that puts me off in the slightest, so I’ll probably feel compelled to pick it up myself at some point.
I am sure you would be able to appreciate the American British differences. Or maybe such differences are lesser now. This book was written a while ago, right? They did add to the humour in the writing.
I love this book, it’s right up in there in my top ten of all time, just the thing if stuck on the desert island. I was also annoyed about her dad, I suppose as a father in those times his authority was unquestionable by the rest of his family, but he needed help, or a slap! The end is a bit sudden, I always felt there should have been a sequel, written when she was about 21.
I guess you are right. Maybe there was no option to question a patriarchial household. A sequel would have been lovely. The open ending makes me so nervous. If there had been a sequel I hope it would have been a happy one – a happy ending for Cassandra
Brilliant review. it really is witty prose and one of those books that you really enjoy the experience of reading. You have a great knack for picking out titles. I’ve a beautiful copy somewhere, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Although the Bronte/Austen debate is going worry me for a while! I’d hate to imagine a world without either!
Thank you. The Austen bronte debate is never ending. I like being a Bronte character in an Austen household. Glad to know that you have enjoyed the read too.
Haha, good compromise! Although the Bronte Bunch didnt exactly have easy lives…this is going to require more thought and maybe some ‘research’ indulging in a few revisits to books and films :p Oh, and I don’t actually have a copy of I capture the castle -shock horror. The copy I was thinking of was actually ‘I’m the king of the castle’ by Susan Hill in penguin decades. It’s very pretty but not half as much fun to read as Dodie Smith.
True. The Brontes had really difficult lives. I am sure the Austens had them too. But somehow Jane Austen has focussed on the happy things such as balls and parties. Glad you got the copy issue sorted out. I have not heard of the book by Susan Hill. I will have to look for it. 🙂
Would it be shocking to say that I’ve never heard of this book? :s Probably. I don’t know how it flew over my radar…but it does sound delightful.
May I ask what drove you to read this book now? Did the mood suddenly strike you or someone bring it to your attention recently?
No worries Naz. I heard about the book a few years back. Even I was ignorant before that. And then when I came to know it is written by the person who wrote 101 Dalmations I got curious. I picked up the book because of four reasons :
1. I read a quote that says “I shouldn’t think even millionaires could eat anything nicer than new bread and real butter and honey for tea.” I found a lot of truth in that simple sentence.
2. When I checked for reviews of the book they all started with ” I write sitting in a kitchen sink” and I got curious. And I didnt read the reviews but bought the book for the fear of spoilers.
3. I read about the writer. And how much she missed her home when she was elsewhere and also how she edited it for nearly seven years. Later on she admitted ICTC is a favourite of hers. And biographers say Cassandra is pure ‘Dodie’. It seeemed interesting to know about a character that is so close to the writer’s heart. Also I wanted to know how different it would be from 101 Dalmations (havent read. but love the movie and cartoon) to be such a well loved book.
I must say the ending disappointed me a bit. Especially the change in Cassandra’s dad. But otherwise, it is like a truthful innocent teenager speaking.
Those all seem like excellent reasons to pick up this book.
Surely there has been a film of TV adaptation for this story. I’d watch that in a heartbeat!
Yes there is. Romola Garai plays the role of Cassandra in the 2003 British film. 🙂
This book sounds great. I love characters who narrate a realistic, witty, or snarky way. Cassandra sounds like a fun “tells it like it” character. Adding this to my TBR pile. 🙂
It is such a fun read. I hope you will enjoy it when you pick it up. She defintely is sharp and unapologetic in her writing. Which makes it a delightful read.
What do you mean by “I am one of the few who read this book recently”?
I meant I am one of the few who read this book as an adult. This is a book almost everyone has read in their childhood. I am sorry if it gave off some other impression.
This sounds very good. I love the cover and that first sentence! I didn’t realise it was YA, but had the impression it was for much younger children.
It is suitable both for adults and younger readers. I love the first sentence too. 🙂
I absolutely love I Capture the Castle!!! It’s been a good few years since I read it, but reading your review brought back so many happy memories. Definitely one for my reread pile, methinks.
I am glad I made you nostalgic about the read. I read it recently for the first time and really enjoyed the read. 🙂
This review is fabulous! I had mentioned to my book club that I had recently read and adored this and next thing I know, I am elected to host the next meeting and this will be the book! Not sure at all how it will be received – NO ONE had heard of it, this is not a “bookish” group. I don’t know why I am so nervous. (Will be end of August meeting. But the best thing is, I now have a great excuse to reread it.
That’s great! This is a fabulous choice for a group meeting because there are just SO MANY things to discuss and talk about in the book. I think the debate of whether Ricardo did the right thing itself would take hours without reaching any conclusion. And how nice that you are hosting the meeting. Since you have enjoyed the book I am sure you are a wonderful choice to talk about this book by Llosa.
You must let me know how the discussion goes, though August is far far away. Don’t forget. 🙂
Absolutely adored your review! 😀 It was my first time reading it this year too (loved it!), and your review has now made me want to read it all over again.
Thank you Nicole. It was such a great read too! I am glad I picked it up. 🙂
This does sound delightfully quirky and humorous! I do enjoy quirky characters. I’m glad you loved it so much, what a great review 🙂
If you want to find out a lot more about the novel – come and see our musical based on it which opens at Watford palace theatre on 31st March more info above.
Teresa Howard
That’s wonderful. I will not be able to attend it but I will surely pass on the word. All the best .
I love ‘I Capture the Castle’! I am a bookworm. I am quite fond of Dodie Smith’s style. I also love how the story begins: the narrator sitting in the kitchen sink. Cassandra is similar to me in her funny ways; I remember laughing at several parts.
It is one of my favourite books too. Such a delightful read.