Fun Books, Pageturners
How FUN are your books? — In Defence of Guilty Pleasures & Midnight Burners
What are books for? You might come up with a zillion reasons — see other…
Books on obsession and scam
Obsession, Scams & Drama — 11 Books to Read after the Caroline Calloway expose

This week the internet exploded when Natalie Beach wrote a piece in New York Magazine…

Women in translation 2019
14 Books by Women in Translation 2019 (Novels & Short Stories)

It is August! Which means time to celebrate women in translation…

translated Indian books
Translated : Bengali Novels with Bitter Ghosts, Pulp Fiction & Circus History

A ghost who asks about a young wife’s sex life and curses her unapologetically…

opne books coffee Favourite books of 2019
17 Favourite Books of 2019: Desire, Memoirs & Bollywood

It is mid-year and time of the best-so-far lists. 2019 was quite…

review : magical women by sukanya venkatraghavan
Two South Asian SFF Books—Angry Goddesses, Witch Parties & Reborn Poets

India’s science fiction and fantasy scene is little explored, dominated so far by retellings…

Book review : Things in Jars by Jess Kidd
Things in Jars — Victorian Crime Novel with Circus Freaks, Pickled Babies & Irish Folklore

The year is 1863 and London is suffocating in crime, violence…

Book review : The Heavens by Sandra Newman
The Heavens is a literary fairytale of madness, time travel, dreams and alternate worlds

Kate and Ben fall in love at a rich girl’s party. It is the summer…

Red Circle Minis feature stories from Japan - Review
The Red Circle Minis Feature Modern Japanese Stories

I have a fondness for books set in Japan. Why do I love…