Reader. Dreamer. Writer.
A man is plucked away from the life that he has lived so far and is transported to another parallel reality where he might be happier. Does he want to stay or leave? And can he do that?
When I received a package that read “There is a version of you that will open this and a version of you that won’t” I immediately cut it open (as any genuine reader would do) and into my lap fell this beauty of a book.
How often have we gone off wandering in day dreams with “what if” beginnings? Every human thinks how different his/her life would have been if one had chosen different options in the past. And that is what makes this book so compelling.
Imagine you have an ordinary, not perfect, but happy life. You have a wife you are in love with and a child. You are on your way back home after congratulating a friend for winning the Pavia prize. On the way back you encounter a masked man who asks you “Are you happy with your life?” You go dizzy as if drugged and when you open your eyes again a man whom you have never seen before, smiles at you, stretches out his hand and says “Welcome back”.
Sounds confusing? This is exactly what happens to Jason Dessen. He is whisked away into another world where his ‘life’ does not exist in the way he knows it, but in another alternate reality where had he made certain different choices in life, he might have ended in. Then follows a mad race to get back to his original version of life with the realization that he has no clue where to begin. Here are a few highlights

1. Good Story
Anyone who loves a good story can pick this read. In terms of movies, Dark Matter can be defined as the baby Inception and The Matrix would have together with some genes from The Prestige. If you dream of alternate realities, you would love this book. If you have enjoyed Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken, you would love this read.
2.The pacing
The story is fast paced and Crouch manages to have the reader hanging in suspense on every page.
3.The concept of multiverse
I love the concept of parallel realities happening around you – that there are other versions of you that have accomplished things you haven’t, not made the mistakes you have committed and perhaps even made new mistakes that you would never dream of committing.
4.Emotional tear-jerker
I would call Dark Matter less of a sci-fic read and more of an emotional read. Another book that has similar vibes (in a less of sci-fic and more of emotional way) is The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.
My eyes filled with tears at several instances when Jason got stuck in different lives. Some lives felt appealing, some disastrous and what was astonishing was how the different the different versions of Jason who lived in each of these realities are.
5.Feeling as helpless as Jason
I love the format of the story. The reader feels he/she is in the same mess as Jason. We make mistakes together and we try to solve the riddle together. This is another factor that makes it an emotional read.

If there is one thing I would wish it would be for the ending to be more dramatic. But this is only because the novel keeps up the suspense and brilliant writing throughout. I am happy with the ending. But maybe I wanted more of the story because it was so good.
Final Verdict
I loved the read. It is fast, it is brilliant and the story sucks you in right from the first chapter. The idea of the book might not be presented for the first time in this book, but the execution is definitely worth a read. I would totally recommend this book. If you are still no convinced, go ahead and read the first chapter here- Read It Forward (Dark Matter)

Title : Dark Matter
Author : Blake Crouch
Publisher : Crown
Published : 2016
Language : English
Pages : 392
Rating : 4.5/5
Wow, a combination of The Prestige, Matrix, and Inception? That’s quite an accomplishment — some of my favorite movies! You read such a diverse array of books, I am always curious to see what country/genre/style of book you’ll read next. Although this book is science fiction, I think the idea of alternate lives or universes is something that we all spend our time wondering about — the what-if’s that keep us up at night. Great review! I’ve seen this book all over the Internet, so I’ll definitely be checking it out.
Thank you Jessica. You make me blush. I am a person who gets bored easily, so if I stick to one country or genre I lose interest. Glad you liked the review. I am sure you would love the book. It has glimpses of the three movies too.
Great review! This is on my TBR and I hope to get it from the library soon.
Thank you. I hope you will be able to get your hands on the book. It is very interesting.
Thank you for the review, Resh 🙂 As always, I am intrigued after reading your review, and will add this to my Wish List! I also daydream sometimes “what if” and while it can be a dangerous game to play, sometimes it can also make you thankful for the choices you didn’t/did make!
I am the master of ‘what if’ game. I love creating new stories in my head with different choices. I hope you will enjoy the read when you pick it up
I LOVE stories that ask the ‘what if’ question. I’ve seen lots of other people reading this, but I hadn’t realised that’s what it was about, so I’m glad I read your review. I’ll definitely be checking it out now 🙂
Thank you. It is a fast paced read. So I am sure you will enjoy Dark Matter.
I’m convinced. I’m definitely convinced. *reached into pic and grabs book* it sounds exactly like the kind of book I’m looking for right now. Great review Resh. Too bad about the ending though.
The ending was good. Don’t put off reading with that in mind. It is just that I expected more. 🙂
Okay, I was already interested in reading this book but now you have me bumping it up higher on my to-read list. I really like your assessment of it as being more emotional than science fiction. Great review!
Thank you. It is a great read and a nice story that keeps you on the edge. Hope you will love Dark Matter as much as I did.
This sounds like a book I would really enjoy! Thank you for the review and sharing your thoughts. That question on the package is very intriguing! I wonder if there really is a parallel me that would not open a package that said that…
I am sure you will enjoy the book. It is fast paced and leaves you in a suspense throughout. Yes! I am sure all versions of me would open the package. Haha
You know, based on the cover and description, this is not a book that I would have picked up. But your description really has me intrigued. Multiple realities are intriguing. Was it hard to keep everything straight?
Nope. It wasn’t the twisted kind of writing, more of straight forward writing. The reader stays with the protagonist so we see everything around as he sees it. It is a fast paced read.
I would LOVE this book. I’ve always found the multiverse theory fascinating, so much so that I’ve seen many documentaries and read a couple of books about it. Hah, but never a novel!! This one is most definitely going on my TBR.
I am sure you will love this one Naz. It is fast paced and apparently people who do not like reading (some of my friends) enjoyed this book.
LOVED this one! Just finished it reading and wow!!!!
I am so glad you loved it as well.:) Thanks for visiting.
I seen this one the other day Resh and was going to pick it up for my husband, now I’m wishing I did for myself. It sounds incredible. It reminds me a little of Sliding Doors, how our choices really do define us. Might pop out and pick up a copy tomorrow. Brilliant review Resh, really enjoyed it <3
Thank you. It is a pretty fast read and a good one too. Hope you will pick it up soon. I really loved it
Wow, this sounds really interesting! Loved your review – you had me hooked with the description of the package, of how there’s a version of us which will open, and another which won’t – super great hook! 😀 Definitely am interested in reading this book now – thank you, Resh! 🙂
I hope you will pick Dark Matter soon and enjoy it as much as I did . It ws a fast and fun read
Oh my gosh Resh this book sounds absolutely AMAZING and totally up my alley! I love alternate reality books and I loved Pines by Blake Crouch as well. Going to hunt this book now ASAP!
It is amazing! Such a fast read and a great story. I must look for Pines by Blake. I hope you will read Dark Matter soon
Yes I am so glad you could read this one and loved it so much! Yay! I have definitely thought about the what if kind of thing more and more often, so I am looking forward to reading this and just seeing the meaning behind it and how the novel develops it. The fast pace also sounds appealing because it means the novel never gets boring!
Oh yes! The novel never gets boring. I am sure you will love it. Sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation
Oh wow, this sounds so cool! I love the multiple universes theory. And the design of the book is amazing, too – love that typography. I feel like I’d definitely enjoy this one. And gorgeous photo!
Me too. It is the cover of Dark Matter that caught my attention. I am sure you will love it Emily.
I love fun book marketing ideas like that package! How fun. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this one, so hopefully it’ll eventually make it to the top of my to-read pile 🙂
I hope you will read Dark Matter soon. I really loved it.
This book sounds amazing. I kept seeing it on Instagram and was curious about it. Your review has now made me want to read it. 🙂 It sounds like fun!
Dark Matter is definitely a fun read. Hope you love it when you pick it up
Ooh! This sounds exactly like the kind of book I will enjoy. Somehow I kept thinking I wouldn’t like it…but your review changed my mind. Thanks 🙂
Do give it a try. It is a fast read. SO you might like it. 🙂
I skimmed a little through this review because I heard that Dark Matter is best read without knowing anything about it! However, I did glimpse that you compared it Small Angry Planet aka my favourite ever so I must have this in my hands ASAP! Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂
You will surely enjoy Dark Matter Aentee. I hope you will get a copy soon. And yes, it is an emotional read like The Long way to a Small Angry Planet:)
I’ve heard sooo many good things about this one I really really want to try it!! *flails* I don’t even read a lot of adult books, but this one I’ll make an exception for. Plus you compared it to THE PRESTIGE!! ONLY tHE BEST MOVIE EVER!!
Glad you approve of Prestige. I adore that movie. Hope you will get your hands on Dark Matter. It is a fast read. 🙂